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Phone: 210-659-5045

Michelle Allen

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share my excitement about my appointment as the new principal at Salinas Elementary. I am humbled and honored to take on this new role and I look forward to serving the members and stakeholders of our learning community.  

Let me share some information about my educational background and professional experiences with you. I am from Beaumont, Texas. I graduated from the University of North Texas with a bachelor’s degree in Education. I began my career as an elementary teacher in Irving ISD teaching fourth grade. I moved back home and taught in Beaumont ISD as a PK4 teacher and 3rd-grade teacher for 6 years. During my years in Beaumont, I attended Lamar University and earned my master’s degree in Educational Leadership. I returned to the Dallas area and taught 3rd grade for 3 years in Carrollton Farmers-Branch ISD and as a math and reading RTI and Dyslexia teacher for one year. I came to Judson ISD in 2015 as the RTI Facilitator at Salinas for 3 years. I then moved to Masters Elementary in Judson ISD as the Assistant Principal for 3 years and was blessed to come back to Salinas as the Assistant Principal for the past two years.

Along with the staff, I will work hard to continue the legacy of success established at Salians Elementary by building strong relationships with parents, students, staff, and community partners. We will focus on fostering a nurturing and safe environment for children, use data to inform instruction, consistent implementation of instructional strategies to increase students’ achievement, and providing exciting and challenging enrichment opportunities for all students.

I look forward to a successful year as my team and I support the academic, social, and emotional growth of your child here at Salinas Elementary.