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Social Worker


Phone: (210) 659-5045 EXT: 45483

Mrs. Buchanan

Hello, my name is Juliana Buchanan, and I am the School Social Worker. I am so excited to be part of the Judson ISD family as I graduated from Wagner High School. I graduated with a Bachelors in Social Work from Our Lady of the Lake University and earned a Masters in Social Work from the University of Texas at Arlington. I was previously working at a non-profit organization where I had the opportunity to have many different roles. My favorite role was providing Child-Centered Play Therapy and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy to children and their families. I am so excited to be at Salinas! My role is to provide social-emotional support to students by working with them individually, small groups, and in the classrooms. I also collaborate with administration, counselor, teachers, and other school staff to help identify needed services and resources for our students and their families. I am so excited to help support you and your child/children.